Healthy from the Start Resources for Shiftworkers
Aerobic exercises and dynamic stretching during your shift can help to boost alertness and fight fatigue.
Shiftwork can often leave you feeling fatigued, which can increase your risk of injuries, errors, and accidents. Aerobic exercises and dynamic stretching can help to boost your alertness, and can usually be practiced without any equipment, making them a great tool to use at work.
Exercising outdoors, sometimes called ‘green exercise’ or ‘blue exercise’, particularly in bright sunlight, is especially beneficial for reducing fatigue (45,46).
Being outdoors and amongst nature can boost feelings of revitalisation and energy, and even reduce negative emotions. The exposure to natural sunlight that often comes with outdoor exercise promotes alertness and helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which can be especially beneficial for shiftworkers (read more about your circadian rhythm here).
Given the alerting effects that exposure to bright sunlight can have, it’s important to avoid exercising in these sorts of environments in the lead up to sleep. Instead, opt for wind-down activities in a dimly lit environment.
Safety Tips for Exercising at Odd Hours
For shiftworkers who may need to exercise during unconventional hours, safety should always be a consideration. Opt for well-lit, populated areas for late-night or early morning workouts, and consider wearing reflective clothing and carrying safety gear, such as a personal alarm, to enhance your safety. Letting someone know about your exercise plans, particularly if these involve being out and about at unusual hours, is also advisable. Safety measures ensure that you can continue to enjoy your workouts at any hour with peace of mind (47).